12 Jul 2021

Attention: Parents and Carers
Thank you for your support during these challenging times. As you are aware the current COVID-19 restrictions require us to resume at home learning for the commencement of Term 3. At this stage, we are unable to continue with face-to-face teaching for the duration of Week 1.
We understand that this is an unsettling and difficult time for many people in our school community. We hope to make the transition to learning from home as easy as possible.
Below is a comprehensive guide to our school’s procedures and at home learning plan for the first week of Term 3, 2021.
Attendance at School - From Tuesday 13th until Friday 16th (inclusive)
Students are to remain at home and participate in at home learning unless their parents or carers are classed as essential workers or have been instructed to attend their place of work by their employer. If this is the case those students are able to attend school. Our schools will remain open for the students and families who need it, although parents/carers are encouraged to keep their children at home. There will only be minimal staff supervision and schools will provide one unit of work for students, whether they are learning from home or in the classroom. (Dept of Ed)
For those on site, all staff in all school settings will be required to wear masks. This is consistent with current requirements for masks to be worn in office and workplace settings and on transport services across Greater Sydney. (Dept of Ed) **Our students will not be required to wear a mask but teachers and any adults on site are required to wear them.
Entry and Exit from School
If you do have to send your children to school from the 13th-16th July they will enter through the Merriwa St gates and sit separately in the flag pole area. Home time procedure will be the same as our previous COVID arrangements. Please follow the physical distancing advice, avoid gathering for a chat – please collect and leave. Children will leave the school via the following gates: - Ada St bus gate: all students in Years 1 and 2 and all students in K6N - Merriwa St main gate: all students in Years 3 - 6 (except for those students in K6N) - Ada St corner gate (corner of Ada and Merriwa St): Kindergarten.
*Older siblings are to meet their parents/carers in the same location as the youngest child in the family.
Parent and carers are not permitted to enter the school grounds when picking up children and must remain outside the gates. It would be appreciated if only one parent or carer collect children at the end of the day.
Community on site
There will be no canteen or uniform shop for Week 1. We will provide further information regarding these services moving forward when we get clarification from Dept of Education.
Parents/Carers picking up sick children will be permitted into the office area but must check in with QR code.
If it is an emergency and you need to attend the school please ensure that you wear a mask and check in with QR code before you enter the office. For any other reason call on 47821226 rather than coming in.
Sick students and staff
Advice for all schools
Students should not attend school if unwell, even with mild symptoms of COVID-19. Any person with any COVID-19 symptoms should be sent home and should not return to school until they have received a negative test result and are symptom-free.
In circumstances where children have other medical reasons for recurrent symptoms, a letter from their GP is sufficient to negate the requirement for a negative test.
Anyone who is unwell with COVID-19 symptoms is strongly encouraged to get tested and self-isolate until a negative result is received.
Please do not send your child/children if they are sick or have the slightest of symptoms. If a student does become ill at school the office staff will call and ask you to pick them up immediately. We appreciate your support if this happens.
At Home Learning for Week 1, Term 3
From Tuesday 13th – Friday 16th all students will be learning from home as per our at home learning procedures. Parents and carers will access this by clicking on the relevant links.
Links to home learning -
Kindergarten – KG & KR
Stage 1 – 1R, 1SH, 2N, 2D & K6N
Stage 2 – 3/4G, 3/4A, 3D, 4T & K6N
Stage 3 – 5T, 5/6K, 5/6B & K6N
Teachers have organised work so that students will only need to access a computer/laptop or phone to view the week’s plan. Students will be able to do the work in an exercise book or paper. This will hopefully eliminate the need for having students continually on a computer/laptop/phone during the 4 days.
Facebook, School Website and NSW Parent App
Please ensure that you check the social media platforms above for further information.
Once again, we appreciate your understanding and support during this difficult and challenging time. Our staff are looking forward to seeing all of our students back at school once the present COVID restrictions are relaxed. Our priority is your wellbeing, your child’s and our staff so please don’t stress about your child/children’s ability to get through the work. We will get through this together.
If you have any questions, please contact the school via school email katoomba-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au or phone on 47821226 and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Dept link for families: https://education.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/advice-for-families